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Building Accessibility

St Anne’s House is equipped with accessible amenities, ensuring a welcoming environment for all. It offers convenient parking, ramps for easy access, wide doors, inclusive toilets, clear signage, and accessible sinks.

This page is for the public to learn more about how to access the building.

Arriving and entering the building

  • 4 dedicated disabled sparking spaces next to the entrance
  • Entrance is accessible via ramp and accessible electric door
  • Hearing loop in reception
  • Seating in reception
  • Accessible toilet
  • Lift that accesses all floors Width 75cm x Depth 145cm


  • Gender neutral toilets
  • Baby changing station
  • There are four different locations for singular toilets and block toilets


  • The front signage has contact details for different tenants in the building
  • Signage in the reception area
  • Way-finding throughout the building


  • Outside seating
  • Seating in the reception
  • Chairs in each room
We have four accessible parking bays in the car park located outside the building
Our accessible door is located on the left hand side of the entrance way with a ramp
From the ramp there is an automatic door that opens inwards from a sensor (when the building is open to the public). On the door is a list of public facing tenants who you may be there to visit, if the door doesn’t open automatically you can call them to arrange someone to come and open the door from the inside.
If the building is not open for an event, but you are here to visit the Sauna or Gym, you can buzz for them to open the door for you on the right hand side.
Upon arrival there will be seats available for you to wait in reception for someone to take you upstairs, if you are visiting for the cafe during opening times, you can go straight through the reception and past the wooden door then turn right.
Most of the time during your visit there will be someone on the front desk.
This door will be propped open during opening times, for you to pass through to get to the cafe or is there’s an event/exhibition on in the Pulp Room.
Past the doors is a lift (75cm x Depth 145cm) you can take for an event, gym, or to visit an artist in their studio/rehearsal space. Follow the wayfinding signs with arrows to the right location.
These signs are around the full three floors to help guide you. Follow the arrow on the right hand side. There are bannisters running up majority of the steps for ease.
On the ground floor to the right past reception you will find the accessible toilet. This has a touch button on the left hand side, where the door will open inwards when empty, and you can lock from the inside using another touch button. In these toilets are also the baby-changing facilities. This toilet is open for everyone visiting.
These double doors take you to the cafe, living room, and mill room. if you need assistance opening the doors if they’re not propped open, you can knock to let those working know to give a hand and hold them.
On the left hand side past the reception (opposite direction to the cafe), you will find more toilets through the pulp room, and different rooms to visit, such as the community pottery. The toilets are gender neutral, and have two stalls.

We hope this has been a helpful read. If you require more information about access to the space, or want to let us know you’re visiting, you can email or call 07709264201.