What to expect when arriving
Due to the nature of St Anne’s House being open during events, activities, and sessions, we want to share with you some things you can except when arriving to visit.
Public event
If the event is open to the public, the main entrance door will be unlocked, either propped open or you pull the door towards you. If you’re using the side accessible entrance, the door will open from the person on reception seeing you and pressing the buzzer from inside. If no-one is opening the door or can’t see you, please knock on the glass to make them aware.
There will be way-finding and signage for you to follow to find which room/s the event it happening in.
Tenant public event
If you are attending a tenant led open event, such as the Gym, Theatre Bristol or Mayk, you will find buzzers on the windows with the tenants logo and instructions. Once you press, this will make them aware of your arrival to open the door for you.
Meeting with a tenant in the building
If you are attending a meeting or session with a tenant in the building, you will find a list of numbers on the door which you can call.
You might have already prearranged a time, where they will know to come down and let you in the door.