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Bricks Board of Trustees

Bricks board formed in 2019 to support development of Bricks. 

The role of the board of trustees is to set the strategic direction for the organisation, to hold the CEO and leadership team to account and to advocate for the change that the charity wants to achieve.

As well as St Anne’s House as a venue, the Bricks board also oversees Bricks Public Art, and their commissioning and producing functions. 

We are always open to conversations with people interested in joining the board.

In the first instance please email Jack, Director of Bricks on and we can take it from there. Inline with current priorities we are particularly interested in recruiting a trustee with legal experience, but open to anyone that is interested in helping lead Bricks on through the next stages of its journey.

Our trustees
  • Becky Peters

  • Ben Lowndes

  • Ele George

  • Jo Lathwood

    Chair of Trustees
  • Stephen Le Fanu

  • Robin Hague

  • Tarek Virani

  • Trish Brown
