News Way of Growing Together – Zine
Take a look at the zine showcasing the process of a community-led, co-learning hydroponics growing project at St Anne’s House. With hydroponics artist Katy Connor, inclusion facilitator and artist Chloe Meineck, engagement producer Georgia Bate and UWE Bristol academic Liz Roberts.

You will find our research and experimentation into new ways of growing things, over winter, inside and how a community led hydroponics garden might feel like.
We worked over 6 sessions, and community members joined us! Read the zine to find out more about the various workshops and activities that happened.
Do you have any ideas or suggestions around these ideas and working together to explore, investigate or practice sustainable growing?
We’d love to hear from you, please email to open up a conversation.
The project is funded by an UWE Arts and Humanities Research Council Impact Accelerator Award and falls under a larger research project led by UWE Bristol into Hopeful and Generous Food Futures. The project started with some engagement days with members of the public where we gathered insights and mindsets that were needed for a hopeful and generous future.