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The saying '4 O'Clock Club' Open for all free to attend after school sessions

4 O’Clock Club

Join us after school for the 4 O’Clock Club, a self-led space for parents and children to get together after school. The session could include tackling some homework, enjoying a read, or starting on a creative activity!

This club is a new volunteer led session which runs fortnightly on Thursdays and the following days the club will be open are:

Next sesions in May are: 2nd, 16th, 30th.

You can come into the community space at St Anne’s House, and take a look at our books, games and things to draw and craft with! It’s also a nice chance to meet other people using the space. We are looking for volunteers to help out with future sessions – if you are interested email

Free to attend! You can just show up.

Parents/carers need to attend with children during the their visit.