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Janie George

Current work includes ceramics and painting often arranged in combination. Recurring themes explore how we experience the natural world and the passing of time. Influenced by folk art and museum collections; clothes, flowers, rocks and moths can be found set against landscapes or drifting in an imagined space.

Janie’s prints, paintings and drawings have been shown in Britain and internationally. Examples of printmaking are included in journals and publications. Janie is member of the Jamaica St Studios an independent artists’ collective in Bristol’s Stokes Croft area. An associate lecturer in printmaking at Bath Spa University for fourteen years she currently works as a lecturer at Bristol School of Art.


Flowers and Stones

Imagining the earth beneath our feet. The things it contains and the things that come from it.

White Flowers

My obsession with the clothes, history and the way we unconsciously employ nature to project
ideas about ourselves. An ongoing project.

Ceramics Project

An exploration of ideas channeled through clays and hand building techniques.
Cross referencing thoughts about stone, geology, history and the earth.


Janie studied for a degree in Fine Art at West Surrey College of Art and Design (1982-85) and for
an MA at The Slade School of Art in London (1986-88) winning the Prize for Printmaking in her
final year. She subsequently returned to the work at the Slade as a teaching assist in the
printmaking department in the early 1990’s, working alongside Stanley Jones of the Curwen Press.
She currently teaches part-time at Bristol School of Art.

1986-88 – MA Fine Art Slade School, UCL
1982-85 – BA Hons Fine Art West Surrey College of Art and Design
1981-82 – Foundation Diploma Somerset College of Art and Technology

2020 – Bricks Bristol Artist
2020- Artist Support Network
167th Royal West of England Academy Annual Autumn Open Exhibition 2019
Winner of Academicians Award at RWA 2019
Co-Curator with Anna Boland of “Hidden” at Fringe Arts Bath 2019
Jamaica St Studio Open 2019
Wells Contemporary Art Prize The Bishops Palace Wells Somerset 2018
166th Autumn Open Exhibition Royal Academy of the West of England Bristol 2018
Jamaica St Studio Open 2018
Mayday Mayday Test Space Spike Island Bristol 2018
165th Autumn Open Exhibition Royal Academy of the West of England Bristol 2017
Jamaica St Studio Open 2017
Jamaica St Studio Open 2016
Artist in Residence at “Art Messun” Hardinger Fjord, Norway 2015
Summer Exhibition Royal Academy, Piccadilly, London 2015
163rd Autumn Exhibition Royal Academy of the West of England Bristol 2015
Jamaica St Open Studio 2015

A Short Visit,The Edwardian Cloakroom, Installation Bristol 2014
162nd Autumn Exhibition, Royal West of England Academy, Bristol 2014
Spike Island Printmakers at Centre Space Gallery Bristol 2014
Josie Eastwood Gallery Summer Exhibition 2014
Battersea Decorative Arts Fair 2014
Drawn, Drawing Exhibition Royal Academy Bristol 2013
Many Moons, The Lift Shaft Installation Jamaica St Studios Bristol 2013
Open Studios Jamaica St 2013

Midwinter Exhibition, Beer, Devon. 2012
Art Box, Bristol 2012
Bristol Biennial -Storytelling -Jamaica St 2012
Open West Exhibition-Gloucester Cathedral. 2012
Jamaica St Open Studios 2012
Art Box -Bristol. 2011
159th Royal West of England Academy Autumn Open Exhibition. 2011
Bite Printmaking Exhibition –Mall Galleries London.2011
Jamaica St Open Studios 2011
158th Royal West of England Autumn Open Exhibition. 2010
Spike Island Printmakers, Open Studios. 2010
Impact, National Printmaking Exhibition, Spike Island and UWE 2009
Inaugural Exhibition RAMOMA-Nairobi, Kenya. 2009
Open to Print, National Printmaking, Royal West of England Academy. 2009
British Printmakers, Inaugural Exhibition at RaMoma Niarobi, Kenya. 2008
Autumn Open Exhibition, Royal West of England Academy. 2008
Prints included in ‘Printmaking on a Budget’ Mandy Bonnell and Steve Mumberson,
published. ANC Black, London. 2007