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Clare Thatcher

Clare studied at Bath Spa University in 2014-15 graduating with an MA Fine Art Degree and University the West of England 2011-14 graduating with a First class BA honours degree in Drawing & Applied Art. Clare has exhibited nationally and internationally, recently exhibiting in the John Moores Painting Prize Exhibition 2018, Jackson’s Painting Prize 2019, Royal West of England Academy Academician Candidate 2019, Paris Contemporary Drawing Fair 2020 and Beep Painting Prize Biennial 2021. Her works are housed in private collections in the UK and Switzerland.

Clare Thatcher is a painter living and working in Thornbury South Gloucestershire. Clare’s practice is deeply connected to a sense of place located in coastal and tidal areas. She is interested in particular landscape features that have a profound effect on her. The locations she chooses and the focus of her attention is highly selective and personal, evoking a very strong, emotional, felt response. Clare uses drawing and painting making oil paints using pure pigments, selecting a limited palette she has felt when in a place.

Clare Thatcher drawing on location


Quiet Space. In progress 2020

Alaska 2019.

These large scale drawings on paper & paintings on plywood & cotton canvas, are translated from sketchbook drawings I made on location.

Unconscious Place. In progress 2020

PADA residency, Barreiro, Portugal 2019.

These large scale drawings on paper & paintings on plywood, heavy rag papers & linen, are translated from sketchbook drawings I made on location.

Sense of Place 2018-19

Sense of Place & Spirit of Place, part of an ongoing series. My response to time spent in St Ives Cornwall, influenced by revisiting the Tate St Ives and the surrounding area. Drawing and observing in particular the landscape and geological forms of Wilhelmina Barnes-Graham works, Rocks. St Marys Scilly Isles, 1953, Rock Theme (St Just).

Vision of Landscape 2018

My response to time spent in North Cornwall, drawing and observing particular compositional rock forms. Part of an ongoing series.

Feature of Landscape 2017

My response to time spent in North Cornwall, drawing and observing particular compositional rock forms. Part of an ongoing series.

Submerged 2017

My interpretation of tidal areas the revealing and concealing of natural rock forms and movement of water.


2016-present. Mentored by Richard Kenton Webb painter and Programme leader, Drawing & Print BA degree course, University of the West of England, Bristol.

2014-2015 MA Fine Art Degree (merit). Bath Spa University, taught by Dexter Dalwood.

2011-2014 BA (Hons) Degree Drawing and Applied Arts (1st class). University of the West of England, Bristol.

2009-2011 Access to Higher Education in Art and Design (distinction). Stroud College.

2018-20 Visiting lecturer, BA (hons) Drawing and Print Degree, University the West of England Bristol.

2017-20 Invited guest speaker, alumni day at University the West of England Bristol, BA (hons) Drawing and Print Degree.

2017&18 Visiting speaker, artist network members & academicians day, Royal West of England Academy, Bristol.

2015 Visiting lecturer, alumni lecture series at University the West of England Bristol, BA (hons) Drawing and Print Degree.

2019 Turps/PADA Residency Barreiro, Portugal.

2013 The Drawing Lab Workshop, a collaborative residency at Aalto University, Helsinki between artists from the UK and Finland.

Private collections UK & Switzerland

2020-TAG-Tubes Artists Gallery VR curated by Painters Tubes Magazine editor Denis Taylor

2018-Transition of Place, small works solo show making A Case for Place supported by Land2 project, The Case Gallery, Gallery Steel Rooms, Brigg, North Lincolnshire.


Paris Contemporary Drawing Fair curated by Jan-Philipp Fruehsorge of The Berlin Drawing Hub.


Metamorphosis, Cylinder Gallery, Virtual Exhibition.

Beep Painting Prize Biennial, Elysium Gallery, Swansea.

EXH 02, Floorr Magazine, online show.


Academician Candidate Exhibition, Royal West of England Academy, Bristol.

Jackson’s Open Painting Prize, shortlist gallery.

Contemporary British Painting Prize, long listed.

Way-Making part of the A Case for Place Project, Gallery Steel Rooms, Brigg, North Lincolnshire.

PAINT, PS Mirabel 2019 Open Painting Exhibition, Manchester. Part of Manifest Festival.

Featured International Contemporary Artist on CS Art Gallery online platform


John Moores Painting Prize 2018 Exhibition, Walker Art Gallery, Liverpool.

Twice as Nice, PS Mirabel 2018 Open Exhibition, Manchester.

Transition of Place, small works solo show making A Case for Place supported by Land2 project, The Case Gallery, Gallery Steel Rooms, Brigg, North Lincolnshire.

NN Contemporary Art Biennial Open Exhibition, Northampton. 

The Narrative in Motion, curated by Cylinder Gallery, Menier Gallery, London.

disquiet, two person show with Lou Baker, Walcot Chapel Gallery, Bath.


165th Annual Open Exhibition, Royal West of England Academy, Bristol. 

Go Wild in the Country, Bruton Art Open Exhibition, Bruton, Somerset.

The Other Art Fair, Arnolfini, Bristol. 

Who’s afraid of Red, Yellow & Blue? works on paper, Kofi Space, PMX, Hasselt, Belgium.

Pay & Display Prize-Exhibition, Centrespace, Bristol.

Severn Vale Arts, Open Studios, CLaSH Art Space, Thornbury, South Gloucestershire.

(dis)place, The Vestibules, City Hall, Bristol. Artist in residency as part of Bristol based art community Synecdoche.


164th Annual Open exhibition, Royal West of England Academy, Bristol.

Liminal Space-thresholds of mind and place, two person show with Shirley Sharp, Christmas Steps Gallery, Bristol.

Drawing-Talking (drawing is greater than talking). The Sanctuary Gallery, Brunel building, Bristol. Partnership between Synecdoche and Fresh Arts. 

Pattern; Found, Exchanged, Unraveled. Fringe Arts Bath. 

Melancholy- The English Disease by students & alumni of Drawing & Applied Arts & Drawing & Print BA degree’s at UWE Bristol. Curated by course tutors & Professor Johannes Kesenne. Colston Hall & Christmas Steps Gallery, Bristol. 

Cre-eight. Curated by Sightlines projects. Walcot Chapel Gallery, Bath.

International Postcard Show, Surface Gallery, Nottingham.


Artmasters, MA Fine Art Graduates, The OldTruman Brewery, East London.

MA Fine Art Degree Show. Bath Spa University, Bath.

MA Fine Art interim Exhibition. Bath Spa University, Bath. 


106th annual open exhibition, Clifton Arts Club, Bristol. 

Synecdoche DAA Summer Exhibition. Embassy Tea Rooms, London. 

Degree Show, University of the West of England, Bristol. 

161st Annual Open Exhibition, Royal West of England Academy, Bristol.

2020 Bricks Associate Artist

2020 Featured artist TAG 5 Tubes Artist Gallery.

2019 Jackson’s Painting Prize 2019, shortlist artist interview.

2019 Art Profile Floorr Magazine Artist Directory.

2019 Featured Artist Painters Tubes Gallery Showcase.

2019 Featured International Contemporary Artist on CS Art Gallery online platform.

2017-present Royal West of England Academy, Artist Network Member.

2014-present Synecdoche Bristol-based art community Artist member.

2018 Featured Artist in Issue 3 Artist Talk Magazine. 

2017 Art Review in Sky Light Train by Writer & Editor Judy Darley.

Saatchi Art Profile.

2015 Artsthread artmasters artist.

2016 Red Line Artworks featured artist.