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Apples, Apples, Apples – Jar Squad Bristol

On Saturday 10 Sept, Jar Squad Bristol hosted a free event where people came together to preserve, pickle and ferment gluts and surplus food in our community kitchen. 

JARSQUAD is a project exploring circular economy*/barter around food preservation, by bringing people together to preserve food and for this session they used the produce of the season – apples! 

Apple cider vinegar, apple juice, pressed apple, and cider sauce was made during the session.  Everyone who attended got stuck in, learning about new ways of making the most of seasonal abundance, sharing knowledge, skills, and apples! 

The workshop was an informal chance for people to meet, build confidence together and explore ways we can use different produce. 22 attendees joined and with a long waiting list Jar Squad Bristol is becoming a popular group already! We hope for more sessions to happen at St Anne’s House in the future.

Jar Squad is a commoning project which means it’s non-commercial, everyone has a say and shares responsibilities. We have been meeting in kitchens for a year, learning about pickling, fermenting and preserving. 

Ps. Jar Squad Bristol is an offshoot of the original project set up by artists Rachel Dobbs, Tess Wilmot and Carmen Wong in Plymouth (UK). Find out more about the Plymouth Jar Squad here.

*circular economy is about making use of the materials and produce we already have and ensuring nothing goes to waste. It seeks to move away from a system where we buy and dispose of things and instead re-make, recycle and reuse. //