Book a room
Book a room

Do you want to see a sauna at St Anne’s House?

This idea is at its earliest stages but we are keen to hear your thoughts as we move forward. What would a sauna in St Annes look and feel like?

Register your interest on the form below, share your thoughts online or in person, and we can keep you in the loop as the project progresses.

This collaboration has been initiated by Jack Gibbon from Bricks and Guy Lochhead from Bristol Cooperative Gym but is separate from both organisations.

Instagram: @BristolCommunitySauna

Twitter: @BristolSauna

Meeting 1 – 4th July 2023, 6 – 8pm – St Anne’s House

Meeting 2 – 5th September 2023, 5.30pm – 7.30pm – St Anne’s House

Register interest in seeing a sauna happen!

Fill in our form here